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Pride and Prejudice Wordsearch.

Find the names of the main characters of the novel "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

1. He/she wanted to get married with Darcy's sister because He/she wanted her large fortune.

2. He/she loved Bingley. He/she was living in London with his/her aunt and uncle. He/she married Bingley.

3. Firstly, he/she hated Darcy. He/she didn't marry Collins, because he was boring . Finally, he/she loved Darcy and got married with him.

4. He/she was rude to Elizabeth in the neighbourhood's party. He/she loved Elizabeth. He/she wrote his/her feeling about Elizabeth in a letter and he/she gave it to her.

5. His/her best friend is Darcy. He/she fell in love with Jane in the neighbourhood's party. He/she got married with Jane.

6.His/ her brother is Bingley. He/she treated Jane badly.

7. Firstly, he/she wanted to get married whit Elizabeth, but she didn't accept his/her offer . Finally, he/she got married with Charlotte.

8. His/her best friend is Elizabeth. He/she got married with Collins.

9. His/her mother is Mrs Bennet. He/she loved to play the piano and read.

10. He/she loved Wickham. He/she ran away to Scotland with Wickham.

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